/**/ Python & MySQL: PYTHON PANDAS - I (2021-22)

Friday, April 16, 2021

PYTHON PANDAS - I (2021-22)


PYTHON PANDAS - I (2021-22)



1.    To create an empty Series object, you can use:

(a)  pd. Series(empty)

(b)  Pd.Series(np.NaN)

(c)  pd.Series( )

(d)  All of these


2. To check if the Series object contains NaN values______ attribute is displayed.

(a)   hasnans

(b)   nbytes

(c)   ndim

(d)   dtype


3. To get the number of bytes of the Series data, _____ attribute is displayed.

(a)   hasnans

(b)   nbytes

(c)   ndim

(d)   dtype

4. To get the number of elements in a Series object, _____ attribute may be used.

(a)   index

(b)   size

(c)   itemsize

(d)   ndim

5. To get the size of datatype of the items in Series object, you can display _____ attribute.

(a)   Index

(b)   size

(c)   Itemsize

(d)   ndim

6. To get the number of dimensions of a Series object, ______ attribute is displayed.

(a)   index

(b)   size

(c)   itemsize

(d)   ndim

7. To specify datatype int16 for a Series object, you can write:

(a)   pd.Series(data = array, dtype = int16)

(b)   pd.Series(data = array, dtype = numpy.int16)

(c)   pd.Series(data = array.dtype = pandas.int16)

(d)   All of the above

8. To display third element of a Series object S, you will write _____.

(a)   S[ : 3]

(b)   S[2]

(c)   S[3]

(d)   s[ :2]

9. To display first three elements of a Series object S, you may write ______.

(a)   S[:3]

(b)   S[3]

(c)   S[3rd]

(d)   All of these

10. To display the last five rows of a Series object S, you may wirte _______.

(a)   head ()

(b)   head(5)

(c)   tail()

(d)   tail(5)

11. Missing data in Pandas object is represented through:

(a)   Null

(b)   None

(c)   Missing

(d)   NaN

12. If a DataFrame is created using 2D dictionary, then the indexes/row labels are formed from _________.

(a)   dictionary’s values

(b)   inner dictionary’s keys

(c)   outer dictionary’s keys

(d)   None of these

13. If DataFrame is created using a 2D dictionary, the coloumn labels are formed from _______.

(a)   dictionary’s values

(b)   inner dictionary’s keys

(c)   outer dictionary’s keys

(d)   None of these

14. The axis 0 identifies a dataframe’s ________.

(a)   rows

(b)   columns

(c)   values

(d)   datatypes

15. The axis 1 identifies a datafrme’s ________.

(a)   rows

(b)   columns

(c)   values

(d)   datatypes

16. To get  the number of elements in a dataframe, _____ attribute may be used.

(a)   size

(b)   shape

(c)   values

(d)   ndim

17. To get NumPy representation of a dataframe, ________ attribute may be used.

(a)   size

(b)   shape

(c)   values

(d)   ndim

18. To get a number representing number of axes in a dataframe, ______ attribute may be used.

(a)   size

(b)   shape

(c)   values

(d)   ndim

19. To get the transpose of a datafrme D1, you can write_______.

(a)   D1.T

(b)   D1.Transose

(c)   D1.Swap

(d)   All of these

20. To extract row/column from a dataframe, _______ function may be used.

(a)   row()

(b)   column()

(c)   loc()

(d)   All of these

21. To display the 3rd, 4th and 5th columns from the 6th to 9th rows of a dataframe DF, you can write _______.

(a)   DF.loc[6:9, 3:5]

(b)   DF.loc[6:10, 3:6]

(c)   DF.iloc[6:10, 3:6]

(d)   DF.iloc[6:9, 3:5]

22. To change the 5th column’s value at 3rd  row as 40 in dataframe DF, you can write_______.

(a)   DF[4,6] = 40

(b)   DF[3,5] = 40

(c)   DF.iat[4,6] = 40

(d)   DF.iat=[3,5] = 40

23. Which among the following options cab be used to create a DataFrame in Pandas?

(a)   A scalar value

(b)   An ndarray

(c)   A python dict.

(d)   All of these

24. Identify the correct statement:

(a)   The standard marker for missing data in Pandas is NaN.

(b)   Series act in a way similar to that of an array.

(c)   Both (a) and (b)

(d)   None of these

25. To delete a column from a DataFrame, you may use _______ statement.

(a)   remove

(b)   del

(c)   drop

(d)   cancel

26. To delete a row from a DataFrame, you may use _____ statement.

(a)   remove

(b)   del

(c)   cancel

(d)   drop


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