Half Yearly Examination: 2024-25
Informatics Practices (065)
Class- XI
Time Allowed: 3hrs M.M.:
General Instructions:
- This question paper
contains three sections A, B & C.
- All questions are
- Section A has 20
questions carrying 1 mark each.
- Section B has 10 very
short answer type questions carrying 2 marks.
- Section C has 10 short
Answer type questions carrying 3 marks.
- All programming question are to be answered using Python language
Section-A |
1. |
Operating system is an example of: (a) Application software (b) System software (c) Utility program (d) None of these |
1 |
Ans |
System software |
2 |
Flash memory is a
type of _____ memory. (a) Primary (b) RAM (c) Secondary (d) All of these |
1 |
Ans |
Secondary |
3 |
Identify false statement (a) You can find deleted files in recycle bin (b) You can restore any file(s) from recycle bin if needed (c) You can increase free space of disk by sending files to recycle bin (d) You can right click and choose ‘empty recycle’ bin to clean it at once |
1 |
Ans: |
You can increase free space of disk by sending files to recycle bin |
4 |
Which of the following is available without any payment? (a) Freeware (b) Free software (c) OSS (d) FLOSS |
1 |
Ans |
Freeware |
5 |
Python uses a/an ______ to convert source code to object code. (a) Interpreter (b) Compiler (c) Combination of Interpreter and compiler (d) Special virtual engine |
1 |
Ans |
(a) Interpreter |
6 |
Python programs are typed in: (a) Interactive mode (b) Script mode (c) A combination of interactive and script modes (d) All of these |
1 |
Ans |
Script mode |
7 |
Data items having fixed value are called______. (a) Identifiers (b) Functions (c) Keywords (d) Literals |
1 |
Ans |
Literals |
8 |
Which of the following is/are expression(s)? (a) a+b-5 (b) a (c) -5 (d) b- |
1 |
Ans |
a+b-5 |
9 |
The lines beginning with a certain character, and which are ignored by a compiler and not executed, are called_______. (a) Operator (b) Operands (c) Functions (d) Comments |
1 |
Ans |
Comments |
10 |
Select the reserved keyword in Python. (a) else (b) import (c) print (d) all of these |
1 |
Ans |
All of these |
11 |
What is the value of the expression 100 / 25 ? (a) 4 (b) 4.0 (c) 2.5 (d) None of these |
1 |
Ans |
4.0 |
12 |
What is the following code produce? a=8.6 b=2 print(a//b) (a) 4.3 (b) 4.0 (c) 4 (d) Compilation error |
1 |
Ans |
4.0 |
13 |
The order of statement execution in the form of top to bottom, is known as _______ construct. (a) selection (b) repetition (c) sequence (d) flow |
1 |
Ans |
sequence |
14 |
What values are generated when the function range(6, 0, -2) is executed? (a) [4, 2] (b) 4, 2, 0] (c) [6, 4, 2] (d) 6, 4, 2, 0, -2] |
1 |
Ans |
[6, 4, 2] |
15 |
Function range(3) will yield and iteratable sequence like_____ (a) [0, 2, 4] (b) [0 ,1, 2] (c) [0, 1, 2, 3] (d) [1, 2, 3] |
1 |
Ans |
[0, 1, 2] |
16 |
Consider the following code statement: for i in range(2, 4): print(i) (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 2 and 3 (d) 3 and 4 |
1 |
Ans |
2 and 3 |
17 |
If L = [1, 2] then L*2 will yield (a) [1, 2] *2 (b) [1, 2, 2] (c) [1, 1, 2, 2] (d) 1, 2, 1, 2] |
1 |
Ans |
[1, 2, 1, 2] |
18 |
If a1 = [1, 3, 5] and a2=[2, 4, 6] then a1+a2 will yield (a) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] (b) [1, 3, 5, 2, 4, 6] (c) [3, 7, 11] (d) [1, 3, 5, [2, 4, 6]] |
1 |
Ans |
[1, 3, 5, 2, 4, 6] |
19 |
To find the last element of list namely ‘smiles’ in Python, ______ will be used. (a) smiles[0] (b) smiles[-1] (c) smiles[1pos] (d) smiles[:-1] |
1 |
Ans |
smiles[-1] |
20 |
What is printed by the Python code? print(list(range(3))) (a) [0, 1, 2, 3] (b) [1, 2, 3] (c) [0, 1, 2] (d) 0, 1, 2 |
1 |
Ans |
[0, 1, 2] |
21 |
Who developed python programming language? Write any two name(s) of IDE for python language. |
2 |
Guido Van Rossum in 1990 developed python programming language Name of IDE- Spyder, Pycharm, IDLE |
22 |
Identify the valid identifiers from following- f@name , as , _tax , roll_no , 12class , totalmarks , addr1 |
2 |
_tax, roll_no, totalmarks, add1 |
23 |
a python program to find the area and perimeter of a rectangle by accepting
inputs of length and breadth from user. (area=length*breadth) (perimeter=2*(length+breadth))
2 |
length=float(input("Enter length of rectangle")) breadth=float(input("Enter
breadth of rectangle")) area=length*breadth perimeter=2*(length+breadth) print("Area
of rectangle",area) print("Perimeter of
rectangle",perimeter) |
24 |
(a) Write full forms of following:- 1. VDU 2. DVD 3. SMPS 4. OMR |
2 |
VDU- Visual Display Unit DVD- Digital Versatile Disc/ Digital Video Disk SMPS- Switched-Mode Power Supply OMR - optical mark reading |
25 |
Write the difference between compiler and interpreter with example? |
2 |
26 |
Write python code to convert
the time given in minutes into hours and minutes. |
2 |
min=int(input("Enter time in minutes")) h=min//60 m=min%60 print("Hours=",h) print("Minutes",m) |
27 |
What is empty statement? Which python statement can be
termed as empty statement? |
2 |
A statement that does nothing. Where the
syntax of the language require the presence of statement but the logic of the
program does not. pass statement is an empty statement. |
28 |
What will be the output produced by the following code statements? (a)
87//5 (b)
87//5.0 (c)
(87//5.0)==(87//5) (d)
(87//5.0)==int(87/5.0) |
2 |
17 (b)
17.0 (c)
True (d)
True |
29 |
What will be the output of the following python statements? a,b,c = 10,40,20 a,c,b = b+10, a+20, c-10 print(a,b,c) print(a+b//c**2) |
2 |
50 10 30 50 |
30 |
WAP to print sum of natural numbers between 1 to 7. Print the sum progressively, i.e., after adding each natural number, print sum so far. |
2 |
sum = 0 for n in range(1,8): sum = sum+n print(“Sum of natural number =”, n, “is”, sum) |
31 |
Write a program to find sale price of an item with given price and discount(%). |
3 |
price= float(input('Enter price:')) dp = float(input('Enter discount(%):')) discount = price*dp/100 sp = price-discount print('Cost Price=',price) print('Discount=', discount) print('Selling Price=', sp) |
32 |
Write a python program to
find the largest of three numbers accepted as input from user. |
3 |
first number")) n2=int(input("Enter
second number")) n3=int(input("Enter
third number")) if n1>n2 and n1>n3: print("First number is greater
number") elif n2>n1 and n2>n3: print("Second number is greater
number") else: print("Third number is
greater number") |
33 |
What will be the output of
the following code? (a)
Print(type(1+3)) (b)
Print(type(1+3.0)) |
3 |
'int'> (b)
'float'> |
34 |
Write a python program to
accept age of a person from user and check whether he has completed 18 years
or more. If yes print ‘Eligible for Voting’ or otherwise print ‘Minor’. |
3 |
age")) if age>=18: print("Eligible for Voting") else: print("A Minor") |
35 |
Write python code to calculate Division, Percentage and total marks of 5 subjects of any student, assume that maximum marks for each subject is 100. And division as per criteria given below Percentage Division >=60 first <60 and >=45 second <45 and >=33 third <33 fail |
3 |
sub1=int(input("Enter first ")) sub2=int(input("Enter second ")) sub3=int(input("Enter third ")) sub4=int(input("Enter fourth ")) sub5=int(input("Enter fifth ")) totalmarks=sub1+sub2+sub3+sub4+sub5 percentage=totalmarks/5 if percentage>=60: print("First Division") elif percentage>=45: print("Second Division") elif percentage>=33: print("Third Division") else: print("Fail") |
36 |
What is the difference between append() and extend() Functions. Explain with example. |
3 |
37 |
Write the following arithmetic expressions using operators in Python: (i) c= (iii) A = π r(r+h)2 |
3 |
Ans: 1. c = (a + b) / (2 *a) 2. x = a**3 + b**3 3. A = math.pi * r (r + h)
** 2 or A = 3.14*r (r +h) ** 2 |
38 |
Write a python program to check whether an input number is prime or not. |
3 |
n=int(input("Enter any number")) for i in range(2,n): if n%i==0: print("Given number is not a prime number") break else: print("Given number is a prime number") |
39 |
Write a program that input a list, replicates it twice and then prints the sorted list in ascending and descending orders. |
3 |
Ans |
40 |
Write a program to calculate Compound Interest. |
3 |
Ans |
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