/**/ Python & MySQL: Assignment - 1 Class XII (2021-22)

Monday, April 5, 2021

Assignment - 1 Class XII (2021-22)

 SESSION: 2021 – 22




Q.1 What is Pandas Library of Python? What is its significance?

Q.2 What do you understand by axes in a NumPy array? Define axes for a 2D ndarray?

Q.3 How is Series data structure different from a dataframe data structure?

Q.4 Write code to create a Series object using the Python sequence [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]. Assume that Pandas is imported as alias name pd.

Q.5 Write a program to create a Series object using individual character ‘p’, ‘y’, ‘t’, ‘h’, ‘o’, and ‘n’. Assume that Pandas is imported as alias name pd.

Q.6 Write a program to create a Series object using six different words : ‘I’, ‘am’, ‘student’, ‘of’, ‘Takshila’. Assume that Pandas is imported as alias name pd.

Q.7 Write a program to create a Series object using an ndarray that has 5 elements in the range 35 to 70.

Q.8 Write a program to create a Series object using an ndarray that is created by tilling a list [7, 5] twice.

Q.9 Write a program to create a Series object using a dictionary that stores the number of students in each section (A, B, C, D, E) of class XII in your school

Q. 10 Write a program to create a Series object that stores the initial budget allocated (75000/- each) for the 4 quarters of the year : Qtr1, Qtr2, Qtr3 and Qtr4.

Q.11 A Python list namely section stores the section names (‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, ‘D’, ‘E’) of class XII in Takshila Academy. Another list contri stores the contribution made by these students to a charity fund endorsed by the school. Write code to create a Series object that stores the contribution amount as the values and the section names as the indexes.

Contribution Section Wise:  7500, 9500, 6982, 7800, 5600

Q.12 Consider the Series object ser1 that stores the contribution of each section, as shown below:

            A                     7500

            B                      9500

            C                      6892

            D                     7800

            E                      5600

Write code to modify the amount of Section ‘B  as 10700 and for the section ‘D’ and ‘E’ as 9200. Print the changed object. 

NOTE: Go to the Blog Archive and search Month Wise Contents


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