Wednesday, July 15, 2020



Chapter – 3 (PART - 1)

Class – XI


Pythonis widely used general purpose, high level programming language. It was developed by Guido Van Rossum in February 1991.

Python is an easy-to-learn yet powerful objected oriented programming language. It is a very high level programming language yet as powerful as many other middle-level not so high-level like C, C++, Java etc.

It is used for:

Software development

Web development (server side)

System scripting


Features of Python:

Easy to Use: Python is compact and easy to use object oriented language with very simple syntax rules.

Interpreted Language: It is an interpreted language, not a compile language. This means that the python installation interprets and execute the code line by line at a time.

Cross-platform Language: Python can run equally well on variety of platforms like – Windows, Linux/UNIX, Macintosh, Supercomputers, Smart phones etc.

Expressive Language: Less code to be written as it itself express the purpose of the code.

Free and Open Source: You can download the python ‘www.python.org’ without any cost. It is free downloaded and source code can be modifying for improvement.

Completeness: It is supporting a wide range of library.  All type of required functionality is available through various modules of Python standard library.

Variety of Usage/Applications: Python used in many diverse fields/applications like Scripting, Web Application, Game development, System administrator, Database application, GUI programming, Rapid prototyping etc.

Shortcomings of Python

Lesser Libraries: Its library is still not component with other programming language like C, Java, .Net, Perl as they have larger collections available.

Not the Faster Language: It is interpreted language so, it executes the program slowly.

Weak on Type-binding:It not pin point on use of a single variable for different data type.

Not Easy Convertible:Because of its lack of syntax, Python is an easy language to program in. Nut this advantage flip-side too: it becomes a disadvantage when it comes to translating a program into another programming language. This is because most other language have structured defined syntax.

What is Interpreter and Compiler?

Interpreter: This language processor converts HLL (High Level Language) program into machine language by converting and executing it line by line. If there is any error in any line, it reports it at the same time and program execution cannot resume until the error is rectified. Interpreter must always be present in the memory every time the program is executed as every time the program is run. It is first interpreted and then executed. For error debugging, interpreter is very much useful as it reports the errors at the same time. But once error are removed, unnecessary usage of memory takes place as it has to be present in the memory always.

Compiler: It also converts HLL program into machine language but the conversion manner is different. It converts the entire HLL program in one go, and reports all the errors of the program along with the line numbers. After all the errors are removed, the program is recompiled and after that the compiler is not needed in the memory as the object program is available.

Note: This is the notes of Chapter -3 GETTING STARTED WITH PYTHON (FIRST PART). It is important for every students, they will appear in Class - XI CBSE Board Exam. By the help of these notes students can prepare for their Exam.

!!!Thank You!!!

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