(2022 – 23)
Max Marks: 70 Time:
3 Hrs.
General Instructions:
- This question paper contains 3
parts A, B and C . Each part is compulsory.
- Section A contains 25 questions
1 mark each.
- Section B contains 10 questions
2 mark each.
- Section C contains 5 questions 5
mark each.
- A |
1 |
Python use a/an _______ to convert source code to object code. a. Interpreter b. Compiler c. Combination of Interpreter and compiler d. Special virtual engine |
Ans |
(a) Interpreter |
2 |
Fill in the blanks: __________ refers to the ability of a machine or a computer program to think, learn and evolve.
Ans |
Artificial Intelligence |
3 |
Which of the following is not a component of SQL? a. DDL b. DML c. TCL d. ADL |
Ans |
4 |
Number of attributes in a relation is called ___________.
Ans |
degree |
5 |
________ technology makes users feel as if they truly are in a virtual environment. a. NLP b. AR c. VR d. ML |
Ans |
VR |
6 |
Intelligent sensors that can convert and process quantities digital are __________ sensors. a. Cloud b. AI c. Grid d. Smart |
Ans |
AI |
7 |
Which of the following is not a cloud service? a. IaaS b. PaaS c. SaaS d. DaaS |
Ans |
DaaS |
8 |
Extremely large sets of data are________. a. database b. big data c. cloud computers d. None of these |
Ans |
Big data |
9 |
Which of these is an example of cloud storage?
Ans |
of these |
10 |
Data items having fixed value are called_______.
Ans |
(d) Literals |
11 |
Which of the following attributes can be considered as a choice for primary key?
Ans |
No |
12 |
What does DDL stand for?
Ans |
Data Definition
Language |
13 |
What will the following code produce? a=8.6 b=2 print( a / / 2 ) (a) 4.3 (b) 4.0 (c) 4 (d) Compilation error |
Ans |
(b) 4.0 |
14 |
A file based system is also called a. flat file b. serial file c. float database d. unrelational file |
Ans |
Flat file |
15 |
Which amongst the following is not an example of browser?
Ans |
Avast |
16 |
SQL stands for _________ |
Ans |
Structured Query Language |
17 |
To remove duplicate rows from the result of a query, specify the SQL qualifier _______ in select list. |
Ans |
18 |
A data _________ is a set of rules that define valid data. a. Constraint b. Data Dictionary c. Query d. All of these |
Ans |
Constraint |
19 |
Function range(3) is equivalent to: (a) [0, 1, 2] (b) [0, 1, 2, 3] (c) [1, 2, 3] (d) [0, 2] |
Ans |
(a) [0, 1, 2] |
20 |
The term ________ is used to refer to a row. a. Attribute b. Tuple c. Field d. Instance |
Ans |
Tuple |
21 |
What is the purpose of the SQL AS clause? a. The AS SQL clause is used to change the name of a column in the result set or to assign a name to a derived column b. The AS clause is used with the JOIN clause only c. The AS clause defines a search condition d. All of the mentioned. |
Ans |
(a) |
22 |
Which of the following is a legal expression in SQL? a. SELECT NULL FROM SALES ; b. SELECT NAME FROM SALES ; c. SELECT * FROM SALES WHEN PRICE = NULL ; d. SELECT # FROM SALES ; |
Ans |
23. |
The COUNT function in sql returns the number of ________ a. Value b. Distinct Values c. Group By d. Columns |
Ans |
a. Value |
24. |
To obtain all columns, use a(n) …………………… instead of listing all the column names in the select list. a. & b. Dollar ($) c. Hash (#) d. Asterisk (*) |
Ans |
d. Asterisk (*) |
25. |
Write the output of the following SQL command: SELECT ROUND(49.88) ; a. 49.88 b. 49.8 c. 49.0 d. 50 |
Ans |
d. 50 |
26 |
What will be the output of following code? mysql> SELECT CONCAT (CONCAT (‘Inform’, ‘atics’), ‘Practices’) ; |
Ans |
Informatics Practices |
27 |
Write commands to display the system date. |
Ans |
28 |
What is the output produced when this code executes? a=0 for i in range(4, 8) : if i%2: a=a+i print(a) |
Ans |
12 |
29 |
Deepika wants to remove all rows from the table BANK. But she needs to maintain the structure of the table. Which command is used to implement the same? |
Ans |
30 |
Create table ‘Employee’ with the following structure:
Ans |
Create table employee(ID
int(5), First_Name varchar(30), Last_Name varchar(30), User_ID varchar(10),
Salary float); |
31 |
Write a program to print the table of a given number. The number has to enter by the user. |
Ans |
n=int(input(‘Enter number:’)) for i in range(1, 11): print(n, ‘x’, ‘i', ‘=’, (n*i)) |
32 |
Program to obtain three number and print their sum. |
Ans |
a = int(input("Enter first number:")) b = int(input("Enter Second number:")) c = int(input("Enter Third number:")) sum = a + b + c print("Three numbers are: ", a, b, c) print("Sum is :", sum) |
33 |
Differentiate between CHAR and VARCHAR? |
Ans |
34 |
Define Data types. What are the main objectives of datatypes? |
Ans |
Data types is defined as a set of values along with the operations
that can be performed on those values. Some common data types are : Integer,
float, varchar, char, string etc. Main objectives of data types are: ·
Optimum usage of storage space. ·
Represent all possible values. ·
Improve data integrity. |
35 |
What is foreign key? |
Ans |
A foreign key is a column or group of columns in a relational database table that provides a link between data in two tables. |
36 |
Program to print elements of a list [‘q’, ‘w’, ‘e’, ‘r’, ‘t’, ‘y’] in separate lines along with element’s both indexes (positive and negative). |
Ans |
length = leng(L) for a in range(length): print("At indexes", a, "and", (a-length), "element:", L[a]) |
37 |
Table “Order” is shown below. Write commands in SQL for (i) to (iv) and output for (v). Table:
Solve the following queries: i.To display names of SalesPersons (without duplicates) ii. To list orderedID and respective OrderAmont in descending order of OrderAmount. iii. To count the number of orders booked by SalesPerson with names starting with ‘R’. iv. To list order ids, order dates and order amounts that were booked after 1st September 2015. v. SELECT ORDERID, ORDERAMOUNT FROM ORDER WHERE
ORDERAMOUNT BETWEEN 50000 to 70000. |
Ans |
38 |
Consider the following table ‘GAMES’. Table
Write SQL commands to:
Ans |
39 |
What is cloud computing? Explain. |
Ans |
40 |
Write a program to create a phone dictionary for all your friends and print each key value pair in separate lines. |
Ans: |
PhoneDict = {"Manav" : 548545, "Sumit" : 745856, "Dipendra" : 548545, "Ravi" : 549584 } for name in PhoneDict : print(name, " : ", PhoneDict[name]) |