Informatics Practices (065)
Important Question For Term - 1
Class - XII
Q.1 Best what to
import the pandas module in your program?
(a) import pandas (b)
import pandas as p
(c) from pandas import
* (d) All of the above
Ans: (d)
Q.2 Which of the
following find the maximum number in the Numpy array?
(a) max(array) (b) array.max()
(c) array(max) (d) None of these
Ans: (b)
Q.3 For what purpose a
Pandas is used?
(a) To create a GUI
programming (b) To create a
(c) To create a High
level array (d) All of
the above
Ans: (c)
Q.4 In data Science,
which of the python library are more popular?
(a) Numpy (b) Pandas
(c) OpenCv (d) Django
Ans: (b)
Q.5 Minimum number of
argument we require to pass in pandas series?
(a) 0 (b) 1
(c) 2 (d) 3
Ans: (b)
Q.6 Series in Pandas
(a) 1D array (b) 2D array
(c) 3D Array (d) None of the above
Ans: (a)
Q.7 Way to install the
pandas library?
(a) install pandas (b)
pandas install python
(c) python install
pandas (d)
None of the above
Ans: (d)
Q.8 We can analyse the
data in pandas with:
(a) Series (b)
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these
Ans: (c)
Q.9 What we pass in
DataFrame in pandas?
(a) Integer (b)
(c) Pandas series (d)
All of the above
Ans: (c)
Q.10 How we can change
the shape of the Numpy array in python?
(a) By shape() (b) By reshape()
(c) By ord() (d) By change()
Ans: (b)
Q.11 How we can
convert the Numpy array to the list in python?
(a) list(array) (b)
(c) array.list (d) None of these
Ans: (a)
Q.12 How can we find
the type of numpy array in python?
(a) dtype (b)
(c) typei (d)
Ans: (a)
Q.13 How we install
Numpy in the system?
(a) install numpy (b)
pip install python numpy
(c) pip install numpy (d)
pip install numpy python
Ans: (c)
Q.14 It is possible to
convert the Numpy array to list in python?
(a) Yes (b) No
(c) Sometimes (d) None of these
Ans: (a)
Q.15 Numpy in the
Python provides the
(a) Function (b)
Lambda function
(c) Type casting (d) Array
Ans: (d)
Q.16 Numpy.array(list),
what it does?
(a) It convert array
to list (b)
It convert list to array
(c) It convert array
to array (d)
Ans: (b)
Q.17 Shape() function
in Numpy array is used to
(a) Find the shape of
the array (b) Change
the shape of the array
(c) Bothe of the above (d) None of
Ans: (a)
Q.18 What is the use
of the size attribute in Numpy array in python?
(a) It find the
direction (b)
It find the number of items
(c) It find the shape (d) All
of these
Ans: (b)
Q.19 What is the use
of the zero() function in Numpy array in python?
(a) To make a Matrix
with all element 0 (b) To make a Matrix
with all diagonal
element 0
(c) To make a Matrix
with first row 0 (d)
None of these
Ans: (a)
Q.20 Which of the
following counts the number of elements of in Numpy array?
(a) count() (b)
(c) shape() (d)
Ans: (d)
Q.21 Which of the
following find the maximum number in the Numpy array?
(a) max(array) (b) array.max()
(c) array(max) (d) None of these
Ans: (b)
Q.22 Which of the
following is correct way to import the Numpy module in your program?
(a) import numpy (b) import numpy as np
(c) from numpy import
* (d)
All of these
Ans: -(d)
Q.23 Which of the
following is not valid to import the numpy module?
(a) import numpy as np (b) import numpy as n
(c) import numpy as p (d) None of these
Ans: (d)
Q.24Which of the
following keyword is used to access the numpy module in python?
(a) access (b)
(c) fetch (d)
Ans: (b)
Q.25 Which of the
following is used to convert the list data type to Numpy array?
(a) array(list) (b)
(c) numpy.array(list) (d)
None of these
Ans: (c)
Q.26 Which of the following is the essential argument to pass in full()
function of Numpy array?
(a) shape (b)
(c) both (a) and (b) (d) None of these
Ans: (c)
Q27. Assume that you are given lists:
a =
b =
Your task is to create a list which contains all the elements of a and b
in a single dimension.
a = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
Which of the following function will you use?
(a) a.append(b) (b) a.extend(b)
(c) any of the above (d)
None of above
Ans: (b)
Q.28 DataFrame in
pandas is….
(a) 1D array (b) 2D array
(c) 2D arrat (d) None of these
Ans: (b)