/**/ Python & MySQL: September 2020

Monday, September 14, 2020


Flow of Control




In this chapter we will discuss about the if, for and while statements. We will also discuss some jump statements of Python which are break and continue.


Statements are the instructions given to the computer to perform any kind of action, be it data movements, and be it making decisions or be it repeating actions. Statements are the smallest executable unit within a Python program. Python statements can be belong to one of the following three types:

Empty Statement

Simple Statement (Single statement)

Compound Statement

1. Empty Statement: The simplest statement is the empty statement i.e., a statement which does nothing. In Python an empty statement is pass statement. It takes the pass form.

In other word, the pass statement of Python is a do-nothing statement i.e. empty statement or null operation statement.

A pass statement is useful in those instances where the syntax of the language requires the presence of a statement but where the logic of the program does not. We will see it in loops and their bodies.

2. Simple Statement: Any single executable statement is a simple statement in Python. For example, following is a simple statement in Python:

            name = (“Write Your Name:”)

Another example of simple statement is:

            print(name)                 # print function called

3. Compound Statement: A compound statement represents a group of statements executed as a unit. The compound statements of Python are written in a specific pattern as shown below:

            <compound statement header>:

                        <indented body containing multiple simple or compound statements>

That is, a compound statement has:

Header line which begins with a keyword and ends with a colon.

Body consisting of one or more Python statements, each indented inside the header line. All statements in the body are the same level of indentation.


A flowchart is simply a graphical representation of steps. It shows steps in a sequential order, and is widely used in presenting flow of algorithms, workflow or processes. Typically, flowchart shows the steps as boxes of various kinds, and their order by connecting them with arrows.

Flowchart Symbols

Different flowchart shapes have different conventional meanings. The meanings of some of the more common shapes are as follows:

1. Terminator: The terminator symbol represents the starting or ending point of the system.

2. Process: A box indicates some particular operation.

3. Document: This represents a printout, such as a document or a report.

4. Decision: A diamond represents a decision or branching point. Lines coming out from the diamond indicates different possible situations, leading to different subprocesses.

5. Data:It represents information entering or leaving the system. An input might be an order from a customer. An output can be a product to be delivered.

6. Subprocess:This symbol use to invoke a procedure written already.

7. Flow:Lines represent flow of the sequence and direction of a process.

Control Statements

Control statements are used to control the flow of execution depending upon the specified condition/logic. There are three types of control statements.

1. Decision Making Statements

2. Iteration Statements (Loops)

3. Jump Statements (break, continue, pass)

1. Decision Making Statement: Decision making statement used to control the flow of execution of program depending upon condition.

There are three types of decision-making statement.

1. if statements

2. if-else statements

3. Nested if-else statement

Decision Making Statement

1. if statements: An if statement is a programming conditional statement that, if proved true, performs a function or displays information.

Other Example

Using logical operator in if statement

2. if-else Statements: If-else statement executes some code if the test expression is true (nonzero) and some other code if the test expression is false.

3. Nested if-else statement:The nested if...else statement allows you to check for multiple test expressions and execute different codes for more than two conditions.


Iteration statements(loop) are used to execute a block of statements as long as the condition is true. Loops statements are used when we need to run same code again and again.

Python Iteration (Loops) statements are of three type :-

1. While Loop

2. For Loop

3. Nested For Loops

1. While Loop: It is used to execute a block of statement as long as a given condition is true. And when the condition become false, the control will come out of the loop. The condition is checked every time at the beginning of the loop.

While Loop with Else


x = 1

while (x < 3):

print(‘inside while loop value of x is’ , x)


print(‘Inside else value of x is ‘ , x)


Inside while loop value of x is 1

Inside while loop value of x is 2

Inside else value of x is 5

Example of Infinite While Loop

a = 10

while (a == 10):

print(‘Inside loop’)


Inside loop

Inside loop



2. For Loop:It is used to iterate over items of any sequence, such as a list or a string

Jump Statements: Jump statements are used to transfer the program's control from one location to another. Means these are used to alter the flow of a loop like - to skip a part of a loop or terminate a loop.

There are three types of jump statements used in python.




2. Continue: It is used to skip all the remaining statements in the loop and move controls back to the top of the loop.

3. pass statement:This statement does nothing. It can be used when a statement is required syntactically but the program requires no action.


Use in loop

while True:

pass # Busy-wait for keyboard interrupt (Ctrl+C)

In function: It makes a controller to pass by without executing any code.


def myfunc():

pass #if we don’t use pass here then error message will be shown

print(‘My PythonProgram’)


My Python Program

Other example of pass statement

for I in ‘initial’:

if(i == ‘i’):









Note:continue forces the loop to start at the next iteration while pass means "there is no code to execute here" and will continue through the remainder or the loop body.

!!! THANK YOU !!!


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